Exegetical Journeys in Biblical Greek: 90 Days of Guided Reading

Benjamin L Merkle

“Exegetical Journeys in Biblical Greek” by Benjamin L. Merkle is a concise yet powerful companion for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the New Testament in its original language. The 90-day guided reading plan is a brilliant approach, offering readers a structured path to navigate the complexities of Biblical Greek.

There are 3 Journeys with 6 routes each the student can take: easy, intermediate, and difficult. Each route consists of 5 days focusing on a passage of Scripture. Reading, parsing, identifying, translating, and noticing are the components in each route. At the end is a reflection for the passage’s present significance.

Merkle’s clear and insightful commentary not only enhances comprehension but also fosters a genuine appreciation for the linguistic nuances of the sacred text. A must-have for a seasoned Greek student, a pastor who has been in the Greek off and on over the years pastors, or as a goal for someone looking to lead a more in depth bible study or a future pastor wanting to have Greek for life.

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