Daniel from the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the Old Testament series by Wendy L. Widder

Wendy L. Widder’s Daniel commentary is a masterful exploration of the prophetic and narrative intricacies found within the book of Daniel. In this scholarly work, Widder brings a refreshing blend of exegetical precision, historical insight, and a keen awareness of the contemporary relevance of this ancient biblical text.

One of the standout features of Widder’s commentary is her commitment to sound exegesis. With meticulous attention to the Hebrew text, she guides readers through the intricate structure of Daniel’s visions and narratives, unraveling the layers of meaning with clarity and precision. She comes to some different conclusions than solid evangelical works such as Mitchell L. Chase and Joyce Baldwin but is just as evangelical showing her high view of Scripture. Widder’s expertise in Old Testament studies is evident as she navigates the linguistic nuances, providing readers with a deep appreciation for the literary and theological richness of Daniel.

Widder’s contextual approach is another strength of this commentary. By immersing readers in the historical and cultural backdrop of ancient Babylon and Persia, she sheds light on the challenges faced by Daniel and his contemporaries. This historical context serves as a backdrop for understanding the significance of the prophetic messages within the book, offering readers a richer understanding of the narrative’s impact on its original audience.

The contemporary application of biblical truths is a hallmark of Widder’s work riveling Iain Duguid and Bryan Chapell. Rather than relegating Daniel to a mere historical artifact, she skillfully draws parallels between the challenges faced by the ancient Israelites and the struggles of today’s readers. Widder’s commentary serves as a bridge between the prophetic vision of Daniel and the practical realities of the modern world, making this ancient text come alive with relevance for today’s readers.

Widder has already written a commentary on Daniel in the Story of God Bible Commentary series and has been allowed to dive deeper into the knotty interpretational dilemmas. If you want more contemporary application go with the SOG version but if you have time, leading a study go for the ZECOT. In time this may become the gold standard to which all other future commentaries on Daniel will be judged. But if you can get both do it and Zondervan should be commended for producing both volumes.

As always Zondervan has produced a quality print book that will hold up to hours of use. The contents are easy to with pleasant print type. Well done.

In conclusion, Daniel by Wendy L. Widder in the ZECOT stands as a commendable contribution to the study of this prophetic book. For anyone seeking a well-researched, accessible, and theologically rich commentary on the book of Daniel, Wendy Widder’s work is an invaluable resource that unveils the prophetic riches embedded in this captivating biblical text. As an example, the 70 weeks section is fair to other conclusions, is Christ honoring in her own while showing significance to the original audience and the ongoing relevance for our lives.

I received this book free from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

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